工业(中国)油漆味专用设备!工业(中国)油漆味专用设备是通过利用高性能活性炭吸附剂固体本身的表面作用力,能对苯、醇、酮、酯、汽油类等有机溶剂的废气吸附,更适用于大风量低浓度的有机废气治理,它能有效地(中国)环境、消除污染、并能回收有机溶剂,降低生产成本。 1、纯物理的吸附原理,维护保养简单方便 2、设备表面采用喷塑处理, 3、独特的产品结构设计,,使得(中国)率可达90%以上; 4、无二次污染,真正环保产品 工业(中国)油漆味专用设备!工业(中国)油漆味专用设备是通过利用高性能活性炭吸附剂固体本身的表面作用力,能对苯、醇、酮、酯、汽油类等有机溶剂的废气吸附,更适用于大风量低浓度的有机废气治理,它能有效地(中国)环境、消除污染、并能回收有机溶剂,降低生产成本。 1、纯物理的吸附原理,维护保养简单方便 2、设备表面采用喷塑处理, 3、独特的产品结构设计,,使得(中国)率可达90%以上; 4、无二次污染,真正环保产品适用范围: 油漆味专用设备是一种内装填粗石英砂垫层及优质活性炭。活性炭过滤器一般应用于空调通风系统异味及,有害气体(如苯、甲醛、氨气等)的吸附脱除溶剂的回收.功能:广泛适用于食品、医药、电子、化工、工业废水等行业。味专用设备。
活性炭臭气吸附装置技术说明一、 活性炭吸附塔概述活性炭,是一种高效率经济实用型有机废气的(中国)与治理装置;该设备是(中国)较高浓度有机废气和喷漆废气的吸附设备,是利用活性炭本身高强度的吸附力,对苯、醇、酮、酯、汽油类等有机溶剂的废气有很好的吸附作用。总结国内外同类产品的生产经验,改进设计制造,表面平整度更好,结构强度更,吸附能力更强的活性炭本公司生产多种规格的活性碳吸附塔,根据处理气体污染因子的不同而设计吸附时间,再根据处理废气量的大小确定吸附面积,每一是否含有油雾、粉尘等相关参数,在废气设备进口部分内置或增设冷却器、过滤器等预处理装置或功能段。确保高效状态下运行。二、性能特点1、吸附效率高,能力强;2、设备构造紧凑,运转成本低;3、能够同时处理多种混合有机废气;4、采用自动化控制运转设计5室内外皆可使用。三、适用范围。主要应用领域包括:电子元件生产、电池(电瓶)生产、酸洗作业车间、实验室排风、产等行业废气(中国),其中*适用于喷漆废气处理(中国)。纯活性炭吸附处理有机废气是利用活性炭微孔能吸收有机性物质的特性,经吸附(中国)后的气体达标直接排空。其实质是一个物理的吸附浓缩的过程。
详细描述一、产品概述 袋式除尘器是一种干式滤尘装置。滤料使用一段时间后,由于筛滤、碰撞、滞留、扩散、静电等效应,滤袋表面积聚了一层粉尘,这层粉尘称为初层,在此以后的运动过程中,初层成了滤料的主要过滤层,依靠初层的作用,网孔较大的滤料也能获得较高的过滤效率。随着粉尘在滤料表面的积聚,除尘器的效率和阻力都相应的增加,当滤料两侧的压力差很大时,会把有些已附着在滤料上的细小尘粒挤压过去,使除尘器效率下降。另外,除尘器的阻力过高会使除尘系统的风量显著下降。因此,除尘器的阻力达到一定数值后,要及时清灰。清灰时不能破坏初层,以免效率下降。二、应用范围 染料、制药、塑胶和印刷厂、涂料厂、食品加工、面粉、电子行业、木材加工等领域的液固分离及微细物料回收治理和(中国)收集。三、工作原理 当含尘气体由进风口进入除尘器,首先碰到进出风口中间的斜板及挡板,气流便转向进入灰斗,同时气流速度放慢,在惯性作用下,气体中粗颗粒粉尘直接沉降到灰斗,起预收尘的作用,气流随后折而向上通过内部装有金属骨架的滤袋粉尘被捕集在滤袋的外表面,(中国)后的气体进入滤袋室下部清洁室,汇集到出风口排出。含尘气体通过滤袋(中国)的过程中,随着时间的增加而积附在滤袋上的粉尘越来越多,滤袋阻力增加,致使处理风量逐渐减少,必须对滤袋进行清灰,使积附在滤袋表面的粉尘脱落,滤袋得到再生。清下粉尘落入灰斗,经排灰系统排出机体。由此使积附在滤袋上的粉尘周期地脉冲喷吹清除,使(中国)气体正常通过,保证除尘系统正常工作。四、产品构造 袋式除尘器本体结构主要由上部箱体、中部箱体、下部箱体(灰斗)、清灰系统和排灰机构等部分组成。袋式除尘器性能的好坏,除了正确选择滤袋材料外,清灰系统对袋式除尘器起着决定性的作用。为此,清灰方法是区分袋式除尘器的特性之一,也是袋式除尘器运行中重要的一环。One、 product overviewBag type dust collector is a kind of dry dust filtering device. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the movement, became the first layer mainly filter layer filter material, rely on the role of the early levels, larger mesh the filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. As the dust on the filter surface accumulation, efficiency and resistance of the dust collector are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, will put some has attached to small dust particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, so that the precipitator efficiency decline. In addition, the resistance of the dust collector is too high will make the dust removal system of the wind dropped significantly.Therefore, the dust collector resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. Cleaning can not be destroyed when the first layer, to avoid reduced efficiency.Two、 the scope of applicationSolid separation we dye, pharmaceutical, plastic and printing factory, paint factory, food processing,flour, electronic industry, wood processing and other fields of liquid and fine material recoverytreatment and purification collection.Three、the principle of workWhen the dust contained gas from the inlet into the dust, met at the air inlet and outlet of theinclined plate and the middle baffle, flow turned into ash hopper, while the air flow speed slow down,under the inertia effect, gas dust settling into the hopper of coarse particles directly, since the role of airflow with dust in advance, after folding to filter bag dust through with internal metal skeletontrapped in the outer surface of the filter bag, purified gas into the filter bag chamber bottom clean room, pool to the discharge outlet. The process of dust containing gas through the filter bagcleaning, along with the increase of time more and more dust deposition in the filter bag, bagresistance increases, causing the air handling gradually reduced, must carry on the cleaning of the bag, so that the product of shedding in the filter bag dust filter bag surface, regeneration. Clear the dust falls into the bucket, the ash discharge system and discharged out of the machine body.Thereby the deposition in the filter bag dust cycle of the pulse jet cleaned, the purification of gaspassed normally, ensure the normal work of the dust removal system.Four,、product structureBody structure of bag type dust collector is mainly composed of an upper box body, a box body, the middle lower case (Hui Dou), the ash cleaning system and ash body parts. Device performance of bag type dust collector is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, ash cleaning system plays a decisive role in the bag type dust remover. Therefore, the ash cleaningmethod is one of the characteristics that distinguish bag type dust collector, an important link in the operation is also a bag type dust collector.相关产品
详细描述一、产品概述 袋式除尘器是一种干式滤尘装置。滤料使用一段时间后,由于筛滤、碰撞、滞留、扩散、静电等效应,滤袋表面积聚了一层粉尘,这层粉尘称为初层,在此以后的运动过程中,初层成了滤料的主要过滤层,依靠初层的作用,网孔较大的滤料也能获得较高的过滤效率。随着粉尘在滤料表面的积聚,除尘器的效率和阻力都相应的增加,当滤料两侧的压力差很大时,会把有些已附着在滤料上的细小尘粒挤压过去,使除尘器效率下降。另外,除尘器的阻力过高会使除尘系统的风量显著下降。因此,除尘器的阻力达到一定数值后,要及时清灰。清灰时不能破坏初层,以免效率下降。二、应用范围 染料、制药、塑胶和印刷厂、涂料厂、食品加工、面粉、电子行业、木材加工等领域的液固分离及微细物料回收治理和(中国)收集。三、工作原理 当含尘气体由进风口进入除尘器,首先碰到进出风口中间的斜板及挡板,气流便转向进入灰斗,同时气流速度放慢,在惯性作用下,气体中粗颗粒粉尘直接沉降到灰斗,起预收尘的作用,气流随后折而向上通过内部装有金属骨架的滤袋粉尘被捕集在滤袋的外表面,(中国)后的气体进入滤袋室下部清洁室,汇集到出风口排出。含尘气体通过滤袋(中国)的过程中,随着时间的增加而积附在滤袋上的粉尘越来越多,滤袋阻力增加,致使处理风量逐渐减少,必须对滤袋进行清灰,使积附在滤袋表面的粉尘脱落,滤袋得到再生。清下粉尘落入灰斗,经排灰系统排出机体。由此使积附在滤袋上的粉尘周期地脉冲喷吹清除,使(中国)气体正常通过,保证除尘系统正常工作。四、产品构造 袋式除尘器本体结构主要由上部箱体、中部箱体、下部箱体(灰斗)、清灰系统和排灰机构等部分组成。袋式除尘器性能的好坏,除了正确选择滤袋材料外,清灰系统对袋式除尘器起着决定性的作用。为此,清灰方法是区分袋式除尘器的特性之一,也是袋式除尘器运行中重要的一环。One、 product overviewBag type dust collector is a kind of dry dust filtering device. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the movement, became the first layer mainly filter layer filter material, rely on the role of the early levels, larger mesh the filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. As the dust on the filter surface accumulation, efficiency and resistance of the dust collector are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, will put some has attached to small dust particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, so that the precipitator efficiency decline. In addition, the resistance of the dust collector is too high will make the dust removal system of the wind dropped significantly.Therefore, the dust collector resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. Cleaning can not be destroyed when the first layer, to avoid reduced efficiency.Two、 the scope of applicationSolid separation we dye, pharmaceutical, plastic and printing factory, paint factory, food processing,flour, electronic industry, wood processing and other fields of liquid and fine material recoverytreatment and purification collection.Three、the principle of workWhen the dust contained gas from the inlet into the dust, met at the air inlet and outlet of theinclined plate and the middle baffle, flow turned into ash hopper, while the air flow speed slow down,under the inertia effect, gas dust settling into the hopper of coarse particles directly, since the role of airflow with dust in advance, after folding to filter bag dust through with internal metal skeletontrapped in the outer surface of the filter bag, purified gas into the filter bag chamber bottom clean room, pool to the discharge outlet. The process of dust containing gas through the filter bagcleaning, along with the increase of time more and more dust deposition in the filter bag, bagresistance increases, causing the air handling gradually reduced, must carry on the cleaning of the bag, so that the product of shedding in the filter bag dust filter bag surface, regeneration. Clear the dust falls into the bucket, the ash discharge system and discharged out of the machine body.Thereby the deposition in the filter bag dust cycle of the pulse jet cleaned, the purification of gaspassed normally, ensure the normal work of the dust removal system.Four,、product structureBody structure of bag type dust collector is mainly composed of an upper box body, a box body, the middle lower case (Hui Dou), the ash cleaning system and ash body parts. Device performance of bag type dust collector is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, ash cleaning system plays a decisive role in the bag type dust remover. Therefore, the ash cleaningmethod is one of the characteristics that distinguish bag type dust collector, an important link in the operation is also a bag type dust collector.相关产品
详细描述一、产品概述 袋式除尘器是一种干式滤尘装置。滤料使用一段时间后,由于筛滤、碰撞、滞留、扩散、静电等效应,滤袋表面积聚了一层粉尘,这层粉尘称为初层,在此以后的运动过程中,初层成了滤料的主要过滤层,依靠初层的作用,网孔较大的滤料也能获得较高的过滤效率。随着粉尘在滤料表面的积聚,除尘器的效率和阻力都相应的增加,当滤料两侧的压力差很大时,会把有些已附着在滤料上的细小尘粒挤压过去,使除尘器效率下降。另外,除尘器的阻力过高会使除尘系统的风量显著下降。因此,除尘器的阻力达到一定数值后,要及时清灰。清灰时不能破坏初层,以免效率下降。二、应用范围 染料、制药、塑胶和印刷厂、涂料厂、食品加工、面粉、电子行业、木材加工等领域的液固分离及微细物料回收治理和(中国)收集。三、工作原理 当含尘气体由进风口进入除尘器,首先碰到进出风口中间的斜板及挡板,气流便转向进入灰斗,同时气流速度放慢,在惯性作用下,气体中粗颗粒粉尘直接沉降到灰斗,起预收尘的作用,气流随后折而向上通过内部装有金属骨架的滤袋粉尘被捕集在滤袋的外表面,(中国)后的气体进入滤袋室下部清洁室,汇集到出风口排出。含尘气体通过滤袋(中国)的过程中,随着时间的增加而积附在滤袋上的粉尘越来越多,滤袋阻力增加,致使处理风量逐渐减少,必须对滤袋进行清灰,使积附在滤袋表面的粉尘脱落,滤袋得到再生。清下粉尘落入灰斗,经排灰系统排出机体。由此使积附在滤袋上的粉尘周期地脉冲喷吹清除,使(中国)气体正常通过,保证除尘系统正常工作。四、产品构造 袋式除尘器本体结构主要由上部箱体、中部箱体、下部箱体(灰斗)、清灰系统和排灰机构等部分组成。袋式除尘器性能的好坏,除了正确选择滤袋材料外,清灰系统对袋式除尘器起着决定性的作用。为此,清灰方法是区分袋式除尘器的特性之一,也是袋式除尘器运行中重要的一环。One、 product overviewBag type dust collector is a kind of dry dust filtering device. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the movement, became the first layer mainly filter layer filter material, rely on the role of the early levels, larger mesh the filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. As the dust on the filter surface accumulation, efficiency and resistance of the dust collector are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, will put some has attached to small dust particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, so that the precipitator efficiency decline. In addition, the resistance of the dust collector is too high will make the dust removal system of the wind dropped significantly.Therefore, the dust collector resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. Cleaning can not be destroyed when the first layer, to avoid reduced efficiency.Two、 the scope of applicationSolid separation we dye, pharmaceutical, plastic and printing factory, paint factory, food processing,flour, electronic industry, wood processing and other fields of liquid and fine material recoverytreatment and purification collection.Three、the principle of workWhen the dust contained gas from the inlet into the dust, met at the air inlet and outlet of theinclined plate and the middle baffle, flow turned into ash hopper, while the air flow speed slow down,under the inertia effect, gas dust settling into the hopper of coarse particles directly, since the role of airflow with dust in advance, after folding to filter bag dust through with internal metal skeletontrapped in the outer surface of the filter bag, purified gas into the filter bag chamber bottom clean room, pool to the discharge outlet. The process of dust containing gas through the filter bagcleaning, along with the increase of time more and more dust deposition in the filter bag, bagresistance increases, causing the air handling gradually reduced, must carry on the cleaning of the bag, so that the product of shedding in the filter bag dust filter bag surface, regeneration. Clear the dust falls into the bucket, the ash discharge system and discharged out of the machine body.Thereby the deposition in the filter bag dust cycle of the pulse jet cleaned, the purification of gaspassed normally, ensure the normal work of the dust removal system.Four,、product structureBody structure of bag type dust collector is mainly composed of an upper box body, a box body, the middle lower case (Hui Dou), the ash cleaning system and ash body parts. Device performance of bag type dust collector is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, ash cleaning system plays a decisive role in the bag type dust remover. Therefore, the ash cleaningmethod is one of the characteristics that distinguish bag type dust collector, an important link in the operation is also a bag type dust collector.相关产品
产品描述“(中国)牌”静电复合式油雾(中国)器设备具有过载保护、缺相保护、漏电保护等功能。高压电源具有电场打火自动断电保护功能。设备运行稳定、易操作。二、产品用途适用于真空泵CNC数控车床、清洗机、外圆、平面磨床、滚齿、铣床和插齿机床、真空泵、喷雾试验室、电火花加工、数控加工中心等工作场所产生的油雾汽体进行(中国)器处理和储存的处理。三、工作原理A、吸入和雾状物和粉尘进入油雾过滤器首先与惯性碰撞板下撞后 落下,由一次过滤器将大颗粒的雾状物除去。B、进入二、三次过滤器的小颗粒雾装物在叶轮的作用下粗粒化,提高下一步滤网的过滤效果。C、三次过滤网为**滤网,能较好的滤去细小的油雾。四、设备好处机床油雾(中国)器能将机床切削时所雾化的那部分乳化剂回收再利用,降低其损耗。具体的回收效益数据,要看机床产生雾状物的程度,一般来说,雾状物的浓度越高,回收效益越好。油雾直接排放在空调车间内,会降低并损害空调能效,大幅增加空调使用费用;如果将油雾排向室外,不仅会破坏环境(影响企业的社会形象,还又可能被环保部门处罚),而且有可能制造火灾隐患,导致财产的意外损失等等;